Struggling with obtaining the necessary data before an executive meeting?
Finding standard reports insufficient?
eConsulting can provide you with a fully customized report which you will be able to refresh whenever needed. Our consultants' expertise in Reporting 2.0 will allow a tailor-fit report to be pulled with the exact data you need from the system, as well as automate calculations that will save you tons of time.
eConsulting can also create a widget for visualizing the data that is easy to refresh, share with users, and apply to a summary dashboard.
Here are a few examples of reports eConsulting can help create. (Dependant on the data available in the companies portal)
- Average Tenure per Org Unit
- Average number of days applicants spend in each status per Org Unit / recruiter
- Applicant sources
- Average time to hire per Org Unit / recruiter
- Average time to offer per Org Unit / recruiter
- Total time spent training per Org Unit
- Total training costs per Org Unit
- Salary over time
- Average performance review score, per competency or total
- Average Goal completion per Org Unit / Team
- Average Development Plan completion per Org Unit / Team
Looking for something that is not in the above examples?
Send us a query and we will be happy to review the feasibility!